Naim Forum: Isolation of HiFi components from vibration

Hi, had my Podiums at least a couple of years, supporting Kudos Titan T88s
weighing around 66kg.
The Podiums sit on carpet with a thick underlay and 22mm mdf suspended floor with cavities between joists filled with acoustic slabs.
I read this forum and others, saw many photos of manufacturers and owners using them with very expensive speakers on the web and also watched Max’s YouTube videos.
I was hoping for them to help control the bass which had a tendency to boom.
I decided to take a chance on a new pair I found on that famous auction site at a very good price, which meant I probably wouldn’t loose out on them if they didn’t work for me.
Very easy to set up, just make sure the platforms can move freely and do not rub on the adjustable springs.
In my house,with my system etc. etc. they snapped everything into focus, addressing to a large degree the bass issue,but also revealing micro detail and a bigger yet more precise soundstage. The sound felt effortless and free. No, the Podiums don’t do all this, they just allow the equipment to give of its best.
For me, the best value for money purchase in 40yrs of my interest in HiFi and I would still say the same if having paid the full price.
My system is ND555-2x PSDR,552DR & 500DR.
Hope this helps


Also using Podiums under the PMC MB2se [75 kg] on thick carpet /underlay/very thick concrete floor. Again a massive improvement in all aspects , just helps to make the speakers and room disappear.



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