Here is my review for the Maximum Supertweeters

Here is my review for the Maximum Supertweeters:

It’s not often that I write reviews, let alone for HiFi equipment where I have limited technical knowledge.  However, what I do have is decades of experience of listening to recorded music.  I must at once declare my allegiance to the Townshend brand.  I use Glastonbury 2 loudspeakers, which I love to bits and have never been tempted to change, Isolda speaker cables and DCT 300 interconnect.  It’s all used with a Copland amplifier and cd player of good quality.

I had decided that a pair of Supertweeters was going to be my next upgrade having read as much as I could on the subject generally, some of it very negative.  When the Townshend Supertweeters arrived I set them up, very simply done, and just sat down to listen.  Perhaps I may have had some idea of how they might improve things but even the most positive reviews did not prepare me for the revelatory difference they made.  Literally from the moment the music started I was gripped and then astonished.  I am not easily taken aback but there was such a transformation that my jaw dropped and at times there was such an emotional connection to the music that I had tears in my eyes.  I don’t exaggerate this.

I read one review of super tweeters which suggested that it was like having a new amplifier.  I think it’s more than that because my whole system has been transformed.  How can a high frequency unit clarify the timbre and body of lower strings playing solo?  Well they do and much more besides.  I could write pages about the improvements across the audio spectrum including soundstaging, depth, ambience and dynamics.  All anyone needs to know is the bottom line.  They make recorded music sound more like real music and in the process pack quite an emotional wallop.  Anyone with doubts needs to forget all the debate and just listen.

Edward Read, Plymouth, Devon

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