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I just received the platform for my VPI turntable.

I just received the platform for my VPI turntable. Thank you.
Just a few comments…

The construction is first-rate. It is a beautifully designed product.

Prior to implementing your Townshend platform, I had tried a number of other isolation techniques. Butcher block, Vibrapods, etc etc. They all had some positive effects but I could not believe the results I achieved with your product. Absolute isolation. Period!

I have been using a seismograph app on my phone set to maximum sensitivity as an adjunct to determine the effectiveness of my various isolation methods. It provides a real-time graphic indication of vibrations in three planes. It can pick up a foot stomp from across the room.

When I installed the Townshend platform the seismograph displayed a straight line (no vibration detected) regardless of what I did. I stomped the floor right next to my equipment rack. Nothing. I played the Prof. Johnson Reference Recordings Dafos LP at high volume (90dB) which includes a recording of a very large drum being wacked. Nothing. A straight line.

Aside from the seismographic tests my ears confirmed a major improvement in sound. I’m not talking subtle. I mean major. Image specificity, depth, bass, micro detail. Everything! And I thought my system sounded pretty good before. Obviously, vibrational feedback was smearing my sound. Well, no more.

This product is absolutely amazing! I intend to recommend it to every audiophile I know.

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

BTW, my LP system consists of the following:

Vandersteen Treo CT speakers, Audioquest cables and interconnects, Aesthetix Atlas Signature amp, Aesthetix Pallene Preamp/phono stage, VPI Prime Signature TT/arm, Sound-Smith Paua II cartridge.

Best Regards,

Gary Saluti

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